Dr. Zeba Parveen
Principal, Associate Prof. & HoD of Zoology
Bi Bi Raza Degree College for Women
(Arts & Science) Chota Rauza Kalaburagi.
Phone: 08472 - 267587
Cell : 9448092786
Khaja Education Society’s Bi Bi Raza Degree College for Women was established in the year July 1977 with distinct, serving as the hub of learning for many generations. The college has emerged as a leading centre for teaching over past four decades.
The undergraduate programmes have incepted in the year 1977, the Science Stream came in existence in the year 1989 and the post Graduate in English and Journalism and Mass Communication was started in the year 2009. The attempt of the college in quality enhancement is clear accreditation has grade B+ and B in the two cycles of the NAAC.
The college has acquired and established over the year of its excellence is due to the dedication and selfless commitment of teachers, supporting staff and students. We appreciate the dedication and the great teachers of the past. The rich legacy is carried on by the present generation of teachers who are striving sincerely to take the college to the escalating heights.
The college has an excellent infrastructure, the students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the college involve themselves in the extracurricular activities offered.
Bi Bi Raza Degree College for Women ensures that the students prove themselves as qualified graduates but also very responsible and ideal Samaritans of our country. The students will exhibit exemplary behavior within and outside the college. I am sure that our student will always uphold the dignity of our institution.
I would like to express my gratitude for the remarkable services and achievements to our founder President His Holiness Padmashree Janab Syed Shah Mohammadul Hussaini Sahab, a pioneer in the field of education with specific mission of “EDUCATION FOR WIMEN”.
I acknowledge my sincere gratitude to our President His Holiness Janab Dr. Syed Shah Khusro Hussaini Sahab for his relentless support and guide. It is a matter of pride that Khaja Banda Nawaz University is established, which is a great landmark in the history of KES & HK Region.
In Shaa Allah the University will be a citadel for the holistic development of the students to become confident, intellectually bright and morally strong.
Let us seek the Lord’s grace to keep us on the path of virtue, courage and wisdom. May the grace and blessing flow through us to the world around us and all efforts to make best individuals who can make positive impact on our society and help build our nation in the ever-changing time.